Saturday, October 24, 2009

Where has the time gone?

Okay so moving, starting a new job, and getting engaged got me a little preoccupied but I still really want to keep doing this. I miss watching movies and mocking how great they are. Unfortunately I haven't been watching movies. Its really sad. I'm going to set aside some time and watch something amazing so I have something to write about here again. There will be posts again! Fear not...Not that anyone actually reads this thing anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I read your blog! And I LOVE it TO DEAAAAATH. You've written one of the most beautiful pieces of I-hate-Twilight literature I've ever read.
    Have you done Shaun of the Dead? Because if you haven't, I think it's time for you to try and find some flaws. I double-dog dare you.
