Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Collected Works of M. Night Shyamalan.


1. Psych!
M. Night Shyamalan: "I made a decent movie with an interesting twist ending so now I'm going to make EVERY one of my following movies follow the same formula."
Fans: "OMG I was tricked again!"
People who are not retarded: "WTF? Again you damn tool!?!?! I hate you!"
People who are retarded: "Derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr."

2. Once is enough.
If you've seen one of his movies you'll never want to see it again because without the twist ending they are awful!

3. People keep giving him money
STOP GIVING THIS GUY MONEY! Nickelodeon I'm talking to you. He lost Warner Bros. over $100 million on Lady in the Water. Do you really want this guy directing your Avatar: The Last Airbender movies? Twist ending: Psych! The Avatar is actually Jesus and that is why I white washed the cast!

4. Nice name douchebag.
My name is so cool and trendy cause like a 14 year old Goth kid I put Night in it.

In all M. Night Shyamalan is a douchebag who gets too much credit for having a fluke of a movie put him in the spotlight for a minute and he has way too much ego and needs to be kicked down a notch or twenty.

Coming Soon: IDK yet but something soon.


  1. Completely agree, Shyamalan is a one typ writer, and director!!

    1. Stop putting yourself in the film
    2. As you said, a twist is a one hit wonder, only films like UNUSUAL SUSPECTS can still be rewatched over and over because of its compelling,complicated and cryptic plotline...

    No this is your cue to BULLSHIT the movie.

    Go for it

    I dare ya!!

  2. Shyamalan is a douchebag pls tell me why all his avatar cast members are indian and white, uh this dude is indian does that mean everybody from this anime is? no
