Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Collected Works of Wes Anderson.

By request. Because this one I've seen recently enough to discuss without re-watching.

1. Subtle.
Subtle humor is great. It makes you think and makes you really look at what you are seeing. Not everything in the world is subtle though Wes. You can actually just say something outright. Using imagery to bring across any point you make is not necessary. It just makes it seem like you are trying way to hard to be artsy. And please stop thinking of the most colluded insane imagery you can just so that you can look really smart later by telling people what it means.

2. You know that one guy in your movie...
I understand you like working with certain actors Wes. Thats awesome to show loyalty to those who have helped make you a success. They don't have to star in every one of your movies though. Don't get me wrong you could have cast worse people for the parts but you could have also cast better. Give them cameos, or small parts. Watching Owen Wilson have so many different interactions with Bill Murray, or Jason Schwartman mock Luke Wilson, gets repetitive. And confusing considering people that like your movies like certain characters and they see these actors as those characters and then they aren't actually those characters but a completely different character who looks like the other character. Or is this all leading up to some Subtle revelation that will be in your final movie which you will then point out to make yourself look smarter than everyone else again?

3. You are so hilarious I forgot to laugh.
If your humor were any more dry it would resemble a saltine in the Sahara. I get it. Thats your Shtick. You do dry humor that really stoned people think they get. You need to loosen up a bit with that though. Sometimes the humor was so dry that I didn't realize it was even humor till I watched it again. Than only because someone (Who probably heard from you while professing how smart you are) told me what to look for.

4. Wes Anderson is full of lies.
I don't know if people caught this while watching 'Life Aquatic' but secretly I don't think Wes Anderson does any kind of research to make sure the things in his movies are real or not. I can't say for sure but I don't think he has ever been to India either. What I surmise is that he and fellow writers Owen Wilson and Jason Schwartzman, (and probably Roman Coppola and Noah Baumbach too) get REALLY high before starting to write. These guys have to be out of their minds to think of some of this shit. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

5. Wes Anderson's Ego.
Okay...I'll admit I actually made up all that stuff about Wes Anderson thinking he is smarter than everyone and liking to point it out. But seriously every time I watch one of his movies it makes me feel dumb. Like I have to watch it several times just to understand what was going on in his head. Or at least discuss the movie with a dozen or so people so I can get some perspective on it. Wes, I love you man but stop making me look like a fool in front of my blog readers.

News: I'm not sure how long between posts its going to be due yo my hectic life. I'll try to keep putting new stuff at the least weekly. If you like the blog go ahead and Digg it or Stumble it help get the word out. And thank you for reading.

Coming Eventually: Great suggestions from some friends. Transformers, Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Back to the Future, Goonies, Labyrinth, (Pretty much every movie you loved as a kid), Some classics such as Breakfast Club, American Grafitti, Grease, Top Gun, and the list goes on.



    Attempt to destroy any other film from the 80's, but not the adventure story that inspired a generation, and by generation i mean me!! and any others but still me!!

  2. I hate to break it to you but YOU are the reason I'm going to do the Goonies. Cause while it is an AMAZING movie it still has its faults.

  3. All I read was: If Wes would just stop going over my head (his fault, by the way), and make movies like Judd Apatow, everything would be great.

  4. No Mark, The collected works of Judd Apatow would only be three words. "Penis, Weed, lolz". I love Wes Anderson I just feel that his humor is not for a majority of people.
